Through the voices of those most affected, identify barriers, raise awareness to inequalities in healthcare access and devise proactive solutions to these challenges.
The TASC health workstream works on projects with the aim of achieving two key objectives: narrowing the extent of health inequalities across Ireland’s population and empowering individuals to advocate for themselves. By focusing on reducing disparities in health outcomes, these projects seek to ensure that underserved or marginalised communities gain better access to healthcare services and experience improved health conditions. Additionally, other projects aim to build people's capacity to take an active role in their own health and well-being. Through education, community engagement, and resource provision, we seek to empower individuals to make informed choices and voice their needs when accessing health, disability and social care services.
Recent publications
Breaking the Cycle: Addressing Mental Health and Homelessness through Integrated Care
Family Peer Support Work: A Review of Irish & International Literature
South Dublin County Partnership: Clondalkin - Social Prescribing Service Evaluation
Dublin City Community Co-operative Healthy Communities Project