How young people facing disadvantage view democracy in Europe - Policy Study launch in Brussels

On Tuesday 23 January 2024, our partner FEPS will present the upcoming policy study ‘How young people facing disadvantage view democracy in Europe‘, which analyses the attitudes of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds towards democracy and what can be done to create a closer and better connection to democracy.
This study is part of the FEPS-led Builders of Progress series of research outputs that explore the key concerns and aspirations of young Europeans
to bridge the gap between them and the policy world. In its current work, the series turns a keen eye on young Europeans’ engagement with democracy
– through the lens of socioeconomic disadvantage in Ireland, Hungary, France, Poland and Spain.
This study examines the relationship between young people’s experiences of socioeconomic disadvantage, and their attitudes to democracy and
politics. Drawing on findings from focus groups and interviews with youth representatives and experts in five countries, it finds that young people do
still value democracy as a principle but are increasingly disengaged and distrusting of representative politics, specifically its failure to bring positive
changes to their lives. Young people want democracy to be more democratic, for policymakers to listen to them and respond to their economic and social
needs and they want to participate and be heard. The recommendations present practical suggestions and recommendations to achieve that.
Access the report and policy brief here on the 23 January.