TASC Lunchtime Seminar with author Peadar Kirby -19 March, 11.30am

Peadar Kirby is an author and academic at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick. He has published several books on diverse topics from Irish Catholicism to Latin American politics and, more recently, environmental destruction.
His latest book is Karl Polanyi and the Contemporary Political Crisis: Transforming Market Society in an Era of Climate Change. Drawing on the work the famed social theorist, it investigates the causes of our current global crisis through a Polanyian lens.
TASC is delighted to announce it is hosting the launch of the book on the
19 March 2021 from 11.30am to 1pm.
Peadar will be joined by:
- David Begg, TASC board member, former president of ICTU and now of the Workplace Relations Commission
- Mary Murphy, lecturer in politics and Irish society at Maynooth Univeristy
- Jack Shenker, London-based journalist and correspondent for the Guardian
A Zoom access link will be sent to all registered attendees closer to the event.
Please register here