TASC-FEPS Gender Research Project Launched

TASC is involved in a joint research project with FEPS, the Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM), the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and The Open University. This project aims to investigate the changing position, role and pay of both men and women in Europe. The project will assess whether or not recent austerity policies have had particularly gendered effects and where the roots of such effects lie. Rather than investigating employment and wages alone, the project will also investigate the impacts of austerity (and recovery) on working conditions, job security and work-life balance.
The project will also assess how to create the conditions for a gender equitable and expansionary macroeconomic framework in Europe and will give a full picture of various effects of policy change, such as austerity cuts as well as modelling alternative policies for a more inclusive recovery plan for both men and women.
This project is launching with a roundtable seminar in Brussels (11-12th February), involving academic experts, MEPS and other policymakers.
For more detail see here: http://www.feps-europe.eu/en/news/529_research-project-beyond-austerity-towards-employment-a-gender-aware-framework