Seeking participants for a study on allyship

Square Announcement Post

Are you 18-25 and living in Ireland? Would you like to contribute to an important piece of research concerning allyship towards LGBTI+ young people?  

If so, we invite you to take part in the following opportunities:

  1. Focus group on allyship in the workplace, open to LGBTI+ and non-LGBTI+ young adults
  2. One-to-one interviews on allyship towards intersex youth, open to intersex young adults

Check out the information leaflets for more information on the focus group and interviews, and sign-up through the corresponding Google form: focus group and interviews.

Any questions? Please contact TASC's Junior Researcher on Health, Maria Pachowicz (they/them) at

Media enquiries should be directed to:

Shana Cohen
Tel: +353 1 6169050

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