Launching the People's Transition: Crumlin

Last Thursday, the 5th of December, TASC, Dublin South City Partnership and Bloomin Crumlin launched the Crumlin People's Transition report. This report is the culmination of over a year's work looking at what a community-led just transition might be for the Crumlin area.
Dublin South City Partnership’s Cillian O’ Donoghue provided an overview of the process, highlighting that over the past year, the project had engaged over 320 people across Crumlin, through community-wide participatory workshops, focus group discussions with targeted groups and interviews with stakeholders working in community development and climate action.
TASC’s Deirdre Carolan presented an overview of data that was collected. Some key highlights include the need for increased social options for young people and spaces to facilitate connection; the importance of sustainable actions being accessible across the whole community and the need for an enabling environment for community-led decision making.
Deirdre highlighted that an action-planning workshop had taken place in June 2024. At this, participants worked in groups to co-create pathways to a more sustainable future for Crumlin. Three key actions emerged:
- the need for a community forum to coordinate collective action across Crumlin;
- the importance of building social infrastructure with a community centre;
- the inclusion of all groups across the community in the regeneration, maintenance and care of green spaces.
Trevor Clowry, of Bloomin Crumlin discussed the steps that were needed to get these actions off the ground. This would include the establishment of a Community Forum that would have representation from all groups across Crumlin. Trevor stated that the Community Forum would then serve as a base for engaging with the council and seeking funding for a community centre. Members of the audience at the launch highlighted that there was a key need for a unified voice in the community and that a forum would provide the opportunity to do this. People also stated that a community centre was a priority in Crumlin, and that there were derelict buildings that need to put to use by the community.
Read more about the launch here.
Find the Crumlin People’s Transition report here.