TASC Newsletter 31 January 2023

Newspaper curled

Media Literacy for Democracy - Launch Conference

Sara Singleton - TASC Senior Researcher: Social Inclusion

On Friday the 20th of January TASC held a launch event for the EU-wide initiative ‘Media Literacy for Democracy’. TASC is one of six partners involved in the initiative that will contribute to the development of an EU strategy for media literacy based on cross-sector cooperation. The strategy aims to tackle disinformation, empower citizens to make informed decisions, and protect democratic values and human rights. 

Watch the recording of the event here
Access the information booklet on media literacy made for this project here


Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and TASC Report Launch

Robert Sweeney - TASC Senior Economic and Policy Analyst

CIOB Report Launch
TASC will once again partner with the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB). The research looks at the use of offsite construction in Ireland and how social housing new builds can be used to drive and kickstart the sector. The research is expected to be completed later in the year.

You can read the previous TASC-CIOB report here

Young People in Democracy Survey

Dr Shana Cohen - Director, TASC

Young People in Democracy
TASC, in partnership with FEPSFondation Jean-Jaures in France, IBRiS in Poland, and TUDATOS IFJÚSAGERT ALAPÍTVANY in Hungary, has just begun research into the views on democracy amongst young people (18-29) from disadvantaged backgrounds. The aim of the research is to complement repeated surveys that show increasing disaffection with democracy amongst younger generations.

If you are interested in participating in or discussing the research, please contact scohen@tasc.ie

FEPS - TASC Fiscal Rules Report Launch

Robert Sweeney - TASC Senior Economic and Policy Analyst

FEPS - TASC Fiscal Rules Report Launch

In conjunction with FEPS, this project examines how EU fiscal rules can be reformed on principles consistent with public financial and ecological sustainability, and economic justice. The report launch will take place on Tuesday the 14th of March.

Registration details available in our next Newsletter.

Media enquiries should be directed to:

Shana Cohen
Email: scohen@tasc.ie
Tel: +353 1 6169050

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