TASC Conversations with Decision Makers Series with Minister Eamon Ryan

As the full extent the COVID-19 pandemic becomes clear, it is evident that Ireland will be required to undertake climate action at a time of deep recession when the risk of poverty and inequality is heightened.
The challenge of ensuring fast and fair climate action will be the topic of conversation with Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment and Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, when he sits down with TASC to take part in a new series - Conversations with Decision Makers.
Online Seminar details:
Date: Friday 2 October Time: 11am until 12 noon
Chaired by David Begg, TASC Board Member, Former Gen Sec ICTU, Former CEO Concern Worldwide.
The Conversations with Decision Makers series will engage Ministers and senior figures in government and in the opposition. The aim of these conversations is to engage the public in conversations about critical policy issues, particularly considering the challenges Ireland now faces as a small, open economy.
Watch the conversation recording back here