TASC welcomes launch of the ‘Living Wage’ for Ireland

TASC - Think-tank for Action on Social Change (www.tasc.ie)
TASC welcomes launch of the ‘Living Wage’ for Ireland
The independent think-tank TASC welcomes the launch of Ireland’s ‘Living Wage’ of €11.45 per hour, as an important step in addressing the problem of low pay and economic inequality in Ireland.
Commenting on the launch, TASC Policy Analyst Cormac Staunton said: “We’ve seen the persistent rise in income inequality in Ireland, with the gap between those with ‘good jobs’ and everyone else widening. Paying all full-time workers at least a Living Wage would go some way towards addressing this.”
Commenting on the gap between the minimum wage and the living wage, Mr Staunton added “The gap between the Living Wage and the current minimum wage tells us is that there are many people in Ireland who are struggling to get by on low wages and who are therefore going without. Not only is this hard for them, but it is also bad for the rest of the economy, as this is income lost for local businesses. Paying people a Living Wage would allow them to increase spending on day-to-day items, which will also be good for business and employment.”
TASC, as part of the Living Wage Technical Group, has verified that the expenditure used to calculate a Living Wage of €11.45 is enough for a single person to live a basic, but dignified life.
Also commenting, TASC's Director Nat O'Connor said "Living Wage calculations have been embraced by business and politicians across the spectrum in other jurisdictions, such as London. They provide an evidence-based calculation of the cost of living and public bodies and companies have pledged to be Living Wage employers. I hope that similar support for the concept of a Living Wage can be generated in Ireland too."
Notes to Editors
The Living Wage website is here: http://www.livingwage.ie/
In principle, a living wage is intended to establish an hourly wage rate that should provide full-time employees with sufficient income to achieve an agreed acceptable minimum standard of living. In that sense it is an income floor; representing a figure which allows employees afford the essentials of life. Earnings below the living wage suggest employees are forced to do without certain essentials so they can make ends-meet.
TASC has supported the Living Wage project and TASC's Director, Dr Nat O'Connor, is a member of the Living Wage Technical Group.
For more information, or to arrange interviews or briefings on the Living Wage or related issues please contact Nat O'Connor on 01-6169050, 085-8269093 or noconnor@tasc.ie