Tagged with: Wages

Wage Theft in Ireland (Part 2)

Michelle O'Sullivan 04/11/2022

A Progressive Economy blog earlier this year (14th April) highlighted the growing concern internationally with the phenomenon of wage theft, referring to situations where workers are not paid for work performed. Wage theft received some prominence here in recent years in union campaigns about tipping practices in hospitality. Other countries such …

New CSO report on historical earnings

TASC 03/05/2017

A new report from the CSO on historical earnings shows that the real earnings of workers grew by an average of 2% per annum from 1938 to 2015. The …

Cork incomes seminar


Videos of yesterday's seminar on 'Incomes - Instruments of Recovery', held in Cork, will be available shortly. Meanwhile, click here to see some of …

Party nation

Michael Taft 27/09/2011

Michael Taft: Remember that statement – how during the boom years we all ‘partied’ as a nation? Remember those prescriptions – how we had to …

On premature optimism

Terry McDonough 26/09/2011

Terrence McDonough: On Thursday, some positive Irish growth figures provided an island of optimism in a sea of bad international economic news. Any …

The four factors shifting power away from workers and citizens

Paul Sweeney 23/09/2011

Paul Sweeney: In developed countries, there has been a decline in labour’s share of national income going to wages for many years. This has major …

Thomas Palley on a global minimum wage system


Thomas Palley is Bernard L. Schwartz Economic Growth Fellow with the New America Foundation. This piece was originally published in the FT …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
