Tagged with: racism
Anti-racism is not a pick ‘n’ choose
Nick O'Neill 12/06/2020
The suicide rate among Traveller men is 7 times higher than the general population. Infant mortality rates are almost 4 times higher. Life expectancy at birth is 15.1 years less for Traveller men and 11.5 years less for Traveller women than the rest of the population. Life expectancy for Traveller men did not improve over the 20-year period from …
Enough of the post-Trump hand-wringing
Maura Adshead 15/11/2016
A colleague who studies Russian politics tells the anecdote about the Russian economics minister, holding a press conference after the 2008 financial …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …