Tagged with: default

The Spanish crisis, thirteen defaults to date

Tom McDonnell 10/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: As well as being World and European football champions Spain also currently holds the distinction of having the world record for number of sovereign defaults. Spain defaulted six times on its external debts in the period between 1557 and 1647 and a further seven times between 1809 and 1882. Thirteen in all. Spain will clearly be the …

Guest post by Arthur Doohan: Loose lips sink ships

Arthur Doohan 13/02/2012

Arthur Doohan: The "grown-up's" will remember the opening sequence to the 'Mission Impossible' TV series, where the tape self destructs a few seconds …

Plan A for austerity; Plan D for default and devaluation

Slí Eile 18/07/2011

Slí Eile: Events are moving fast on the European monetary plains. Suddenly, various 'unthinkables' are being mentioned as real possibilities rather …

Cost/benefit analysis of complying with the ECB’s wishes

Tom McDonnell 27/06/2011

Tom McDonnell: Namawinelake has put up part of the transcript from Minister Noonan's interview yesterday on 'The Week' programme. Evidently the ECB …

Martin Wolf's Intolerable Choices for the Eurozone


Martin Wolf provides a timely analysis of the Eurozone's options. Wolf argues that ultimately the Eurozone faces a choice between default and partial …

Options on default

Tom O'Connor 12/05/2011

Tom O'Connor: Doomsday scenarios have been painted recently by Prof. Morgan Kelly and others concerning the need to abandon to EU/IMF deal on the one …

Munchau’s purgatory between bailout and default

Tom McDonnell 14/03/2011

Tom McDonnell: Weak measures to report from Part 1 of the big European double header last weekend: see here and here. The unfortunate unwillingness …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
