Tagged with: costs
Oh, those landlords and bankers
Michael Taft 27/01/2010
Michael Taft: Following on from the excellent points made by Proinsias Breathnach and Slí Eile regarding the role of labour costs in economic competitiveness, it might be timely to re-examine Forfas’s comprehensive study of the cost of running retail enterprises. This is, of course, an untraded sector but such sectors are held up as being …
Reducing the Irish cost base
An tSaoi 14/12/2009
An Saoi: Almost all of the focus to date in terms of reducing costs has been on reducing labour costs. This has been done by reducing the numbers in …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …