Tagged with: coronavirus

The Ireland We Want

Shana Cohen 05/05/2020

Since TASC was founded in 2001, we have strived for a more equal and fairer Ireland and European Union. The pandemic and recession have provided us with an opportunity to change direction, or to bring about positive change in Irish society. TASC will work toward this change by outlining policy recommendations for longstanding and recent problems …

Covid19 & the Developing World

Mary Van Lieshout 21/04/2020

The haunting coronavirus pandemic which has had such a devastating impact on all our lives has put the spotlight on the massive inequalities that …

Plan now for the biggest socialisation ever

Paul Sweeney 15/04/2020

The greatest socialisation ever of the world’s private sector is taking place hourly. It will continue until the end of 2020 and beyond. It is a …

Non-mortgage debt and financial wellbeing of Irish households

Amie Lajoie 13/04/2020

  Ireland has the fifth highest rate of personal indebtedness in Europe, and living with debt is a daily reality for over half of all Irish …

Coronavirus, Solidarity and an Emerging Eurozone Crisis

Jim Stewart 10/04/2020

The Coronavirus crisis has become the news.    Like the virus, it is spreading from detailed public health analysis and discussion to …

Low Pay in the Time of Covid-19

Robert Sweeney 06/04/2020

If there are any silver linings to the Corona Virus, one of them is that it has brought into focus how reliant we are on low-paid workers. As 23% of …

The Anatomy of a Crisis

Robert Sweeney 30/03/2020

A Look Back at the 2008 Crisis These are unchartered waters. Ireland is now in effective lockdown. As the dust settles on the enormity of the health …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
