Tagged with: celtictiger

Ireland’s recovery

Paul Sweeney 24/10/2019

If procyclical domestic policies inflated Ireland’s economic bubble, procyclical austerity demanded by the troika makes Ireland’s recovery all the more remarkable.   In a companion piece on the ‘Celtic Tiger’, I explained Ireland’s remarkable ascent from a poor EU country to one of the richest, with employment and living standards for …

Ireland’s route from boom to bubble to bust

Paul Sweeney 15/10/2019

Ireland’s volatile economic path of recent decades has wider European policy implications  The ‘Celtic Tiger’, Ireland’s rapid …

Brexit: What does Teresa May’s veiled Brexit threat really mean?

Paul Sweeney 18/01/2017

Brexit is a slow train crash. Most damage will be done to Britain, but some damage will be done to the European project and to the other European 27 …

Facing up to inequality

Peadar Kirby 07/07/2009

Peadar Kirby: Tasc's survey of public opinion on inequality in Irish society is both welcome and significant. One of the remarkable and disturbing …

Post-Celtic-Tiger errata


John Barry: Have just read Showcasing Globalisation?: The Political Economy of the Irish Republic by Nicola Jo-Anne Smith. It’s a good source of …

What about R&D policy?

Peadar Kirby 26/03/2009

Peadar Kirby: Amid all the focus on the flood of different reports on the Irish economy, and the battle between the slash and burn brigade and the …

Getting ideological

Paula Clancy 20/03/2009

Paula Clancy: David Quinn is right about one thing: we do need to start asking ourselves what kind of society we want when we come out of the current …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
