Tagged with: budget
Budget 2023
Rosheen Callender 04/10/2022
Budget 2023 was wide-ranging and seemed to be very well-thought-out. It gave almost-immediate help, in the form of lump sums, to those who’ll be most in need over the next few months. But whether the careful tax, welfare and other improvements in 2023 will suffice in the uncertain circumstances of next year remains to be seen. The various lump …
A Budget for the Times
Paul Sweeney 09/10/2020
The 2021 Budget will be extraordinary and it could be transformative. It will push the country into even higher debt - with the state spending much, …
Stimulus package amid pandemic could transform Ireland for the better
Paul Sweeney 23/07/2020
The stimulus package to be announced by the Government this week will be transformative. It could transform Ireland into a better place in which to …
Launch of NERI Quarterly Economic Observer/Facts
The NERI has published, today, its fourth Quarterly Economic Observer (QEO) along with the latest Quarterly Economic Facts (QEF). A link to the full …
Clamping Down on Tax Injustice—Sharing the Price of Austerity
Daragh McCarthy 03/12/2012
Daragh McCarthy: On Wednesday, the EU’s tax commissioner will outline a set of proposals aimed at reducing the level of tax evasion and aggressive …
Making Equality Count—the Case for Budgetary Impact Assessments
Clara Fischer 29/11/2012
Clara Fischer: Ireland’s next budget is only around the corner, and people all over the country are bracing themselves for what is set to be …
Choices Around Cutting Child Benefit
Nat O'Connor 02/10/2012
Nat O'Connor: Despite the helpful reminder from Joseph Stiglitz that "Austerity has almost never worked", the Government has decided to cut further …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …