Tagged with: brexit
How to Effectively Address Populist Anxieties
Shana Cohen 01/06/2018
I came to Ireland from the UK, where I lived between 2004-17 (I am originally from the United States). I encountered, fairly early on the anti-immigrant sentiment and political disaffection now propelling the rise of far-right politics across Europe and in the US. Through some evaluation work, I met the director of a small social project in one …
Varadkar turns out to be a surprising believer in State enterprise
Paul Sweeney 01/01/2018
Looking back over the year, an interesting speech by the Taoiseach, which got lost in the confusion around Brexit, deserves attention for three …
Ireland's Multi-interface Periphery Development Model
David Begg 15/06/2017
Theresa May’s election failure and Corbyn’s unexpected success have undermined the case for a hard Brexit. Her gamble to increase her majority in …
Brexit, Income Tax and the Social Market Economy
Nat O'Connor 21/04/2017
Various lobbyists have used the opportunity of Brexit to repeat their frequent calls for Ireland to lower its income tax rates. For example, EY …
What have Idi Amin, Erich Honecker and Theresa May in common?
James Wickham 23/01/2017
Welcome to the biggest loss of citizenship rights in recent European history... Brexit is about taking away citizenship rights from millions of …
Brexit: What does Teresa May’s veiled Brexit threat really mean?
Paul Sweeney 18/01/2017
Brexit is a slow train crash. Most damage will be done to Britain, but some damage will be done to the European project and to the other European 27 …
Brexit in Numbers for Ireland
Paul Sweeney 07/12/2016
The CSO has published a useful paper on what the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union will mean for Ireland. We have seen that there …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …