Posts by Dr Tom McDonnell

McDonnell, Tom

Dr Tom McDonnell

Tom McDonnell is senior economist at the NERI and is responsible for among other things, NERI's analysis of the Republic of Ireland economy including risks, trends and forecasts. He specialises in economic growth theory, the economics of innovation, the Irish and European economies, and fiscal policy. He previously worked as an economist at TASC and before that was a lecturer in economics at NUI Galway and at DCU. He has also taught at Maynooth University.

Tom obtained his PhD in economics from NUI Galway.

A new deal is required

Tom McDonnell 01/12/2011

Tom McDonnell: On Monday and Tuesday we will be treated to the latest instalments of the austerity show. While the structural deficit does need to be …

Let's see rationales behind Budget decisions

Tom McDonnell 29/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: When Minister Noonan stands up in the Dáil next Tuesday it would be helpful if the tax measures he is introducing were accompanied by …

Budget 2012 - Choices

Tom McDonnell 28/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: According to Eurostat, Ireland will have the lowest rate of gross fixed capital formation in the EU next year (see pages 68-69 of the …

Crisis update

Tom McDonnell 28/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: FT Alphaville is reporting that Moody's is now talking about multiple defaults and a Eurozone break-up. See here for the Moody's press …

One more roll of the dice

Tom McDonnell 24/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: There seems to be a growing consensus (finally) that only the ECB has the capacity to end the immediate crisis in the Euro zone. The …

Embracing "Deadly Sins"

Tom McDonnell 17/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: Eurointelligence is reporting that Wolfgang Franz, chairperson of the group of economic counsellors to the German government, is …

Visualising the Contagion Machine

Tom McDonnell 24/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: The New York Times has put up a useful visualisation charting potential channels of contagion within the Euro zone. For a nice visual …

Lender of Last Resort

Tom McDonnell 19/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: Bernard Delbecque proposes using the EFSF as a lender of last resort here. The ECB is the other plausible candidate. The lack of a …

Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Tom McDonnell 19/10/2011

Tom McDonnell: Martin Wolf has an excellent and honest appraisal of the chances of the Euro crisis being successfully resolved in a way that is …

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