Posts by Slí Eile

Contributor #1

Slí Eile

Rebuilding Trust: Priority Number One

Slí Eile 18/11/2009

Slí Eile: There is an urgent and unavoidable need to generate hope at this time. In a previous blog here, there is a series of principles which need …

Its all down to political choices informed by values

Slí Eile 16/11/2009

Slí Eile: We are in the midst of a global, European and national crisis – economically, politically and morally. Decisions made in the coming days …

Public Sector Pay - new data insights

Slí Eile 14/11/2009

Slí Eile: In a recent paper to the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Statisticians at the CSO have presented further analysis of …

Balanced media?

Slí Eile 09/11/2009

Slí Eile: Scaring? Balanced? A sample of headlines from the Sunday papers last weekend FW: Main Headlines Today's Newspapers Sunday 8 November, …

'O make me a Keynesian (but not yet)' ?

Slí Eile 09/11/2009

Slí Eile: The entry by UK economist David Blanchflower into the domestic economic debate (re-flation versus deflation) created a stir last week. For …

Social Justice Ireland Alternative Budget

Slí Eile 05/11/2009

Slí Eile: Social Justice Ireland is to be commended for taking on the Dublin Consensus by working on an alternative budget. SJI has gone through the …

'There is a better way than cuts'

Slí Eile 05/11/2009

Slí Eile: In the interest of balance and with due regard for many economists, it is necessary to point out that not all economists believe that we …

Public intellectuals and the crisis

Slí Eile 03/11/2009

Slí Eile: ‘We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.’ (Einstein) In an excellent piece in last …

'Cut Deep, Cut Now and Keep on Cutt'n'

Slí Eile 02/11/2009

Slí Eile: The cage was truly rattled, today, by David Blanchflower, UK economist, who challenged the home consensus about deflation. Speaking at the …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
