Posts by Slí Eile

Contributor #1

Slí Eile

Social Justice Ireland

Slí Eile 16/05/2011

Slí Eile: Some strong and clear messages emerge from Social Justice Ireland in its latest Socio-Economic Review. It makes the case that: 'It is …


Slí Eile 23/04/2011

Slí Eile: Today's Irish Times reports that, according to former Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, Ireland was 'forced' to take the IMF-EU bailout. …

How well are organisations run?

Slí Eile 22/04/2011

Slí Eile: Nyberg, McCarthy, Doherty and Chopra..a busy fortnight past. Don't miss the following item in the Irish Times of Thursday 21st ("Massive …

Should there be a referendum on the IMF-EU deal?

Slí Eile 08/04/2011

Slí Eile: Readers may be interested in a recent Dáil debate which took place on the question of referendum on the IMF-EU deal. The Dáil Technical …

Banking on a new deal

Slí Eile 03/04/2011

Slí Eile: Banking is at the heart of the economy. It should serve two core social needs: - A place of security for those who deposit savings - A …

Unemployment highest since 1989

Slí Eile 15/03/2011

Slí Eile: Involuntary unemployment is long recognised as both the enemy of human dignity and a huge waste of human potential capital. The latest …

The impact of cost competitiveness in Ireland

Slí Eile 13/03/2011

Slí Eile: Some assertions abound in the media and among 'informed' economist commentary. These are frequently based on ideology more than fact. Take …

A new programme for a new society?

Slí Eile 06/03/2011

Slí Eile: In the coming days there will be considerable debate and analysis of the content of the Programme for Government agreed by Fine Gael and …

The Irish have suffered enough ...

Slí Eile 27/02/2011

Slí Eile: Interesting piece from today's editorial in the Observer via the Guardian website here.tweetmeme_style = 'compact';

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
