Posts by Sinéad Pentony

Sinead Pentony

Sinéad Pentony

Sinéad Pentony is Associate Director with the Trinity Foundation, Trinity College Dublin working towards securing private funding and other support for a range of projects - primarily from individuals, companies and foundations.

Her fundraising portfolio includes supporting the Schools of Computer Science and Statistics; Mathematics; and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to deliver on their strategic priorities with the help of philanthropy support and sponsorship.

She has been working in the not-for-profit sector since the mid-1990s and generating income and fundraising has been a key part of her roles. She develops strategic relationships with a view to delivering mutually beneficial outcomes.

Her previous roles have involved undertaking research and policy work across a variety of public policy areas, policy influencing and advocacy work with a wide variety of stakeholders, public communications, lecturing, and leading or supported strategic planning and review processes aimed at refocusing the work of programmes and organisations in a changing context.

Sinéad was previously head of policy with TASC.

Progressive London conference

Sinéad Pentony 04/03/2011

Sinéad Pentony: Progressive London is a broad alliance for progressive policies, and they hosted their annual conference on 19th February, bringing …

The Finance Bill and Davos - different discourses

Sinéad Pentony 28/01/2011

Sinéad Pentony: The Finance Bill will bring the measures announced as part of Budget 2011 into law in the coming days. As the effects of these …

Irish laments

Sinéad Pentony 22/09/2010

Sinéad Pentony: Today’s editorial in The Guardian highlights the dangers for the UK in pursuing Ireland’s policy of austerity measures. As we …

US Lessons on the Failure of Pension Tax Arrangements

Sinéad Pentony 12/08/2010

Sinéad Pentony: Last week, Professor Teresa Ghilarducci's spoke at a pensions seminar co-hosted by TASC, TCD Pension Policy Research Group and the …

Minimum wage - facts, fiction and flights of fancy

Sinéad Pentony 27/07/2010

Sinéad Pentony: The minimum wage rate is €8.65 per hour and it has been frozen since 2007. The introduction of the two per cent income levy in the …

Taxbreak hotels

Sinéad Pentony 02/02/2010

Sinéad Pentony: The report by Peter Bacon on the Irish Hotel Industry highlights the sorry state of the industry, which has been insolvent since …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
