Posts by Prof Peadar Kirby

Peadar Kirby

Prof Peadar Kirby     @kirbypeadar

Peadar Kirby is Professor Emeritus of International Politics and Public Policy at the University of Limerick from where he retired in 2012. Before joining UL in 2007, he was Associate Professor in the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University. He is a former journalist with The Irish Times and, from 1984-86, was associate editor of Noticias Aliadas in Lima, Peru.

Peadar also holds the positions of adjunct professor in the Centre for Small State Studies in the University of Iceland, adjunct professor in the Network for Power, Politics and Society in Maynooth University, and in the autumn of 2012 he held the UNESCO chair of South-North studies in the University of Valencia, Spain. 

He is the author of Celtic Tiger in Collapse: Explaining the Weaknesses of the Irish Model, Power, Dissent and Democracy, and co-author of Towards a Second Republic: Irish Politics after the Celtic Tiger.

Interrogating the Irish model

Peadar Kirby 28/01/2010

Peadar Kirby: This week saw a rare mention of political economy models entering the debate on the future of Irish society. Carl O’Brien’s series …

Facing up to inequality

Peadar Kirby 07/07/2009

Peadar Kirby: Tasc's survey of public opinion on inequality in Irish society is both welcome and significant. One of the remarkable and disturbing …

Political lessons from Iceland

Peadar Kirby 19/05/2009

Peadar Kirby: With the forthcoming local and European elections opening the first opportunity for the political impact of the economic crisis to find …

What about R&D policy?

Peadar Kirby 26/03/2009

Peadar Kirby: Amid all the focus on the flood of different reports on the Irish economy, and the battle between the slash and burn brigade and the …

Revealing assumptions of former senior civil servant

Peadar Kirby 25/02/2009

Peadar Kirby: The article by Cathal O'Loghlin in today's Irish Times headlined 'Union response to public sector levy fails to find a better way' is …

Return to Growth Paradigm in Petrochemical Economy not an Option

Peadar Kirby 22/02/2009

Peadar Kirby: The focus of public attention and debate on recession and cutbacks at the moment indicates the extreme poverty of public discourse in …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
