Posts by Dr Nat O'Connor

Nat O'Connor

Dr Nat O'Connor     @natpolicy

Nat O’Connor is a member of the Institute for Research in Social Sciences (IRiSS) and a Lecturer of Public Policy and Public Management in the School of Criminology, Politics and Social Policy at Ulster University.

Previously Director of TASC, Nat also led the research team in Dublin’s Homeless Agency.

Nat holds a PhD in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin (2008) and an MA in Political Science and Social Policy form the University of Dundee (1998). Nat’s primary research interest is in how research-informed public policy can achieve social justice and human wellbeing. Nat’s work has focused on economic inequality, housing and homelessness, democratic accountability and public policy analysis. His PhD focused on public access to information as part of democratic policy making.

Choices Around Cutting Child Benefit

Nat O'Connor 02/10/2012

Nat O'Connor: Despite the helpful reminder from Joseph Stiglitz that "Austerity has almost never worked", the Government has decided to cut further …

Local Government Fostering Job Creation

Nat O'Connor 21/09/2012

Nat O'Connor: The County and City Managers Association (CCMA), the umbrella group of the local authority head managers, has published a study showing …

Budget Transparency Reduced by Oireachtas Website Changes

Nat O'Connor 20/09/2012

Nat O'Connor: Public access to the official record of Oireachtas debates has been diminished by the bizarre decision of the Oireachtas website to …

FEPS vacancy: economist

Nat O'Connor 18/09/2012

Nat O'Connor: FEPS (the Foundation for European Progressive Studies) is advertising the important post of Economic Policy Advisor. More details here: …

German Call for EU Programme of Investment

Nat O'Connor 06/09/2012

Nat O'Connor: The major German social democratic foundation (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) has circulated a cogent 24-page analysis outlining the case …

Nat O'Connor 13/08/2012

Nat O'Connor: Three German economists and philosophers (Peter Bofinger, Juergen Habermas and Julian Nida-Ruemelin) have released a major statement to …

The Art of Tax Dodging and the Science of Economic Inequality

Nat O'Connor 30/07/2012

Nat O'Connor: The topic of economic inequality is (rightly) high on the news agenda in recent months. A recent report from the UK Tax Justice Network …

Youth Unemployment in Europe

Nat O'Connor 05/07/2012

Nat O'Connor: The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung have just published a useful paper on youth employment in Europe (available here). Unfortunately, the …

The Costs of Working in Ireland

Nat O'Connor 13/06/2012

Nat O'Connor: The ESRI withdrew a working paper today. The Irish Times reported that this was "unprecedented". However, another ESRI report (on waste …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
