Posts by Dr Nat O'Connor

Nat O'Connor

Dr Nat O'Connor     @natpolicy

Nat O’Connor is lecturer in social policy in UCD’s School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice and part-time policy specialist at Age Action Ireland. Previously Director of TASC, Nat also led the research team in Dublin’s Homeless Agency.

He has taught politics and social policy since 1999. He has a PhD in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin and a MA in Political Science and Social Policy from the University of Dundee. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), a member of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) and chairperson of the Irish Social Policy Association (ISPA). You can find him on LinkedIn (natoconnor) and TwitterX @natpolicy






Finance, NTMA and FOI

Nat O'Connor 04/02/2010

Nat O'Connor: The Story (freedom of information blog) offer an insight into why the Minster for Finance transfered powers to the NTMA yesterday: "One …

The State of the US

Nat O'Connor 28/01/2010

Nat O'Connor: I'm sure I'm not the only one who watched President Obama's State of the Union address to Congress. (Various versions of it are on …

Counting Vacant Houses (And Their Cost)

Nat O'Connor 22/01/2010

Nat O'Connor: A lack of reliable information about the housing market contributed to the housing bubble and subsequent crash. The National Institute …

The Division of Power Requires Stronger Accountability Institutions

Nat O'Connor 20/01/2010

Nat O'Connor: Many current news stories are about accountability, either seeking it or the lack of it. In some cases, there is a clear public …

A Progressive Plan for Dublin (and the Country)?

Nat O'Connor 13/01/2010

Nat O'Connor: Dublin City Council have launched the Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017 and are actively seeking "conversations with, and …

Ireland seeks Hedge Funds

Nat O'Connor 23/12/2009

Nat O'Connor: A article in the Financial Times states that the Government is seeking to attract hedge funds to Ireland. Dublin to open door for hedge …

NAMA revelations

Nat O'Connor 21/12/2009

Nat O'Connor: The Irish Times has a series of articles on NAMA, based on documents they got through freedom of information requests. These include a …

Tax Breaks

Nat O'Connor 04/12/2009

Nat O'Connor: TASC has estimated that tax breaks ('tax expenditure' to use the technical term) on personal income tax and corporation tax will cost …

Authoritarian Capitalism

Nat O'Connor 23/11/2009

Nat O'Connor: A Wall Street Journal article raises the question of whether authoritarian capitalism is a robust alternative to liberal democratic …

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Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
