Posts by Dr Nat O'Connor

Dr Nat O'Connor @natpolicy
Nat O’Connor is lecturer in social policy in UCD’s School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice and part-time policy specialist at Age Action Ireland. Previously Director of TASC, Nat also led the research team in Dublin’s Homeless Agency.
He has taught politics and social policy since 1999. He has a PhD in Political Science from Trinity College Dublin and a MA in Political Science and Social Policy from the University of Dundee. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK), a member of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC) and chairperson of the Irish Social Policy Association (ISPA). You can find him on LinkedIn (natoconnor) and TwitterX @natpolicy
Windfall Tax Could Lower the Costs of Cash-for-Ash
Nat O'Connor 10/01/2017
While it may not be possible to renege on contracts already signed under the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme in Northern Ireland, one option …
The Divide Documentary
Nat O'Connor 14/11/2016
The Divide is a 2015 documentary, based on the The Spirit Level. I held a public screening and discussion of the film as part of the ESRC Festival of …
Some People Pay Much More Tax Than Others (ITI Report)
Nat O'Connor 20/09/2016
Nat O'Connor: The Irish Tax Institute (ITI) has just published Perspectives on Ireland's personal tax system, which will be discussed on RTÉ …
Replacing USC with 600% Property Tax is Not Likely
Nat O'Connor 25/08/2016
Nat O'Connor: Talk of a 600% increase in property tax is a catchy headline, but not realistic fiscal policy. However, it is useful if it gets people …
A New EFTA-EU Relationship Post-Brexit?
Nat O'Connor 08/07/2016
Nat O'Connor: Trying to imagine a “perfect” agreement for the UK to enjoy a stable, friendly and mutually beneficial trading relationship with …
Brexit Scenarios
Nat O'Connor 24/06/2016
Nat O'Connor: The UK exit from the European Union is a sad event, not least because it is highly unlikely to deliver better living conditions to …
A New Era for Housing Policy?
Nat O'Connor 24/05/2016
Nat O'Connor: Now that there is to be a Minister of Housing, Planning and Local Government, as well as a Minister of State for Housing and Urban …
Lifetime Community Rating and Inequality
Nat O'Connor 13/03/2016
Nat O'Connor: We are coming up to the first anniversary of Lifetime Community Rating (LCR) in private health insurance and it is timely to consider …
Tax Breaks Won't Solve Homelessness
Nat O'Connor 01/09/2015
Nat O'Connor: Some campaigners have called for tax breaks to help provide more housing for people who are homeless. The homelessness crisis is …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …