Posts by Michael Taft


Michael Taft     @notesonthefront

Michael Taft is an economic analyst and trade unionist. He is author of the Notes of the Front blog and a member of the TASC Economists’ Network.

Turning phrases in the face of reality

Michael Taft 07/11/2011

Michael Taft: So we have more austerity and less growth, more debt and less jobs, more spending cuts and less investment – welcome to the …

Spinning our tax wheels

Michael Taft 03/11/2011

Michael Taft: The Exchequer statement out yesterday shows tax revenue falling short of target. The headline rate shows tax revenue at end October …

Investment denial and the new road map

Michael Taft 10/10/2011

Michael Taft: Colm McCarthy’s post on Irish Economy takes a sceptical look at ‘productive investment’, or more precisely, the Government’s …

Party nation

Michael Taft 27/09/2011

Michael Taft: Remember that statement – how during the boom years we all ‘partied’ as a nation? Remember those prescriptions – how we had to …

Wiping Clean the Anglo/INBS Debt Slate

Michael Burke, Michael Taft, Tom McDonnell 20/09/2011

Tom McDonnell, Michael Burke and Michael Taft: The Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide debt must become a major political issue. The Anglo/INBS …

Depleting the economy and the alternative

Michael Taft 12/09/2011

Michael Taft: Philip Lane’s thoughtful article in the Sunday Business Post helps clarify the debate. For while he argues for further fiscal …

The more things don't change, the more things don't

Michael Taft 07/09/2011

Michael Taft: The ESRI has produced a report on deficit and debt levels up to 2015 which has moved many to claim if we just stay the austerity course …

Is Ireland heading into a slowdown, too?

Michael Taft 11/08/2011

Michael Taft: The global recovery is now expected to ease off in the latter half of this year with a range of data suggesting a slowdown in the …

A long malaise

Michael Taft 10/08/2011

Michael Taft: With years of austerity ahead, resulting in weak growth and high unemployment, freezing interest rates and another round of …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

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Vic Duggan

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