Posts by Michael Burke

Contributor #1

Michael Burke

Greek strikes and protests

Michael Burke 13/02/2010

Michael Burke: The scale of the action by Greek unions is evident even from this short clip. ADEDY is the main public sector trade union which …

Greek Tragedy II - and the tax dimension

Michael Burke 02/02/2010

Michael Burke: In today's Financial Times, two economists from the Breugel think-tank in Brussels argue that the best course for Greece is to call in …

Greek Tragedy

Michael Burke 20/01/2010

Michael Burke: Today's Financial Times carries an interesting piece from Martin Wolf on the severe difficulties being faced by Greece as it attempts …

Who benefits from current policy?

Michael Burke 18/01/2010

Michael Burke: There is a clear disparity between the economic policies of the Irish government and those of the other industrialised countries. …

1,406 reasons to change course

Michael Burke 04/01/2010

Michael Burke: The number of corporate insolvencies in Ireland has soared to 1,406 in 2009, according to This exceeds the level …

NAMA debt

Michael Burke 17/12/2009

Michael Burke: Leading critics of NAMA argued prior to its inception that it would provide no new credit in the economy. Writing in today's Irish …

The Dutch experience

Michael Burke 17/12/2009

Michael Burke: There is a very useful post here on the reflationary policies in The Netherlands. The Dutch join a long list of European countries …

Budget 2010: Multipliers not banished from Ireland

Michael Burke 10/12/2009

Michael Burke: The Budget contained no estimate as to the real cost, in terms of human misery, of the effects of the crisis to date and the …

Austerity and the financial markets

Michael Burke 09/12/2009

Michael Burke: Financial markets have a great many faults. But they can frequently provide a signal of their participants’ collective thinking with …

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Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
