Posts by Michael Burke

Contributor #1

Michael Burke

Deflation and gouging

Michael Burke 09/07/2010

Michael Burke: The deflationary trends gripping the economy are a very serious threat to any recovery and a magnification of the crisis in government …

No recovery yet - and debt deflation

Michael Burke 30/06/2010

Michael Burke: The Q1 real GDP figures show the economy expanding by 2.7%. No doubt these will be hailed as a turning-point, and even a vindication …

More of the same

Michael Burke 29/06/2010

Michael Burke: There has been much discussion about the ESRI's view that Ireland will eventually recover to have a stronger growth rate than most …

Krugman & lying eyes

Michael Burke 15/06/2010

Michael Burke: Paul Krugman, writing in the New York Times, asks whether fiscal austerity measures actually reassure the financial markets. This …

Earth goes around the sun - shock

Michael Burke 08/06/2010

Michael Burke: One of the reasons why economists are often held in low esteem by the general public is that they claim the mantle of science while …

Pain, but no gain

Michael Burke 19/05/2010

Michael Burke: In a recent piece in The Guardian, Dean Baker argues that politicians are ignoring Keynes "at their peril". Arguing that it would be …

Do cuts work?

Michael Burke 14/05/2010

Michael Burke: The Irish economy is in a Depression. Real GDP has fallen by 9.9% from its peak and real GNP by 13.8%. Even these terrifying data are …

Lessons from Greece

Michael Burke 28/04/2010

Michael Burke: Irish Economy has a thread on the impact on Ireland on the decision to downgrade Greece and Portugal. The credibility of the ratings' …

Bank shareholders bailed out, welfare recipients to pay

Michael Burke 02/04/2010

Michael Burke: There is clearly a degree of dissembling that is taking place regarding the bank nationalisation, smokesceens about leaving the Euro, …

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Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
