Posts by Manus O'Riordan

Contributor #1

Manus O'Riordan

Delors has had far more to say!

Manus O'Riordan 06/12/2011

Manus O'Riordan: “Euro doomed from start, says Jacques Delors” was the front page headline of Britain’s “Daily Telegraph” on Saturday December 3, dutifully regurgitated on RTE news bulletins throughout the course of the day. But this was a gratuitous eurosceptic editorial embellishment of the story underneath penned by deputy political …

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Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
