Category: Taxation

Brendan Hayes on why he didn't sign the Taxation Commission report


"Low taxes, inequality in the provision of health and education, a growing income gap and sub-optimum economic growth: these are not separate, …

Steinbrueck on the Tobin Tax


Earlier this month, Paul Sweeney reported on German calls for a Tobin Tax; today, German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck makes the case in a piece …

"Beat the recession - pay less tax"

Slí Eile 21/09/2009

Slí Eile: I have heard of calls for beating the recession by spending more, spending less, taxing more, taxing less, doing nothing, doing lots of …

We’re broke (O no we’re not)

Slí Eile 15/09/2009

Slí Eile: This is September 2009. We’re economically broke. Well not quite…The recent Commission on Taxation Report has drawn attention to the …

Germans call for Tobin Tax

Paul Sweeney 12/09/2009

Paul Sweeney: The two earlier contributions on Progressive Economy on 27th and 30th August, were spot on in showing a growing trend, ignored by the …

The values underlying the Commission on Taxation

Slí Eile 08/09/2009

Slí Eile: The Commission on Taxation (CoT) Report is another winter blockbuster following the Summer Bord Snip. A pattern has been witnessed - …

Read the fine print

Michael Taft 08/09/2009

Michael Taft: There will be any number of posts and articles on different aspects of the Commission on Taxation Report. Here I’d like to address …

Will some local authorities go bankrupt in 2010?

Nat O'Connor 08/09/2009

Nat O'Connor: It has been suggested today that property tax will not be introduced any time soon: “Ministers believe that the introduction of a …

Commission on Taxation Report Another Indicator of Political Crisis

Colm O'Doherty 08/09/2009

Colm O'Doherty: It would be naive to think that a Commission on Taxation composed of political insiders and handcuffed to the taxation equivalent of …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
