Category: Taxation
VAT and local authorities
An tSaoi 23/01/2010
An Saoi: We were directed by Europe some time ago that VAT must be charged by Local Authorities on certain services such as parking, waste disposal …
Effective tax rates in Ireland
Proinnsias Breathnach 11/01/2010
Proinnsias Breathnach: I sent the following letter to the Irish Times in early December, but like my article on competitiveness, it failed to make it …
Budget 2010: landlords 1, SW recipients nil
in 2010, the savings made by cutting Social Welfare will be almost exactly the same as the spend on tax breaks for landlords (SW saving = €809 …
Congress tax menu
While a number of papers and submissions have been analyed in the media and elsewhere during the past few weeks, one paper seems to have escaped …
The economic crisis: some suggestions
Jim Stewart 06/12/2009
Jim Stewart: The economic crisis has revealed failures in many areas:- regulation, industrial policy, tax policy, corporate governance and planning. …
Tax Breaks
Nat O'Connor 04/12/2009
Nat O'Connor: TASC has estimated that tax breaks ('tax expenditure' to use the technical term) on personal income tax and corporation tax will cost …
Guest post by JJR: Shifting the tax burden from business to employees will not create jobs
JJR 26/11/2009
JJR: Fine Gael frontbenchers may not take their lead from the Obama administration, but when White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said last year …
New report shows over €8 out of every €10 of pensions tax relief goes to top earners
Gerard Hughes 25/11/2009
Gerry Hughes: In a series of reports on our pension system, TASC and the TCD Pension Policy Research Group have argued that the tax relief on pension …
Likely tax yield in 2010
An tSaoi 14/11/2009
An Saoi: Earlier this year in April the Dept. of Finance estimated that the tax take for 2009 would be €34,400M. Now, just seven months later they …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …