Category: Labour market
Finding facts in Fantasy Land
Michael Taft 03/01/2010
Michael Taft: One of my New Year’s resolutions was to spend less time on countering the arguments of the orthodoxy and develop positive analysis …
Spinning our way out of recession
Paul Sweeney 17/12/2009
Paul Sweeney: A small increase of 0.3% in GDP in Q3 of 2009 means that Ireland is no longer in recession according to some economists, and this was …
"It's positive from a fiscal perspective"
Slí Eile 16/12/2009
Slí Eile: Haven’t heard much from Bank of Ireland Chief Economist, Dan McLaughlin, of late but this statement must qualify as Quote of the Day: …
Oh, for the good ol' days
Michael Taft 14/12/2009
Michael Taft: With public sector pay and social welfare cuts, with the Minister announcing a ‘national downward adjustment in wages’ (that’s …
League tables and losing the plot
This post was originally written on April 21st in response to an article in the Sunday Business Post. We are re-posting it following last night's …
Congress tax menu
While a number of papers and submissions have been analyed in the media and elsewhere during the past few weeks, one paper seems to have escaped …
Unit Labour Costs fall in Ireland in 3 consecutive years
Slí Eile 19/11/2009
Slí Eile: Data released by the OECD shows that Unit Labour Costs (ULC) in Ireland fell in each year 2006, 2007 and 2008 while it grew in nearly all …
Buses are not widgets
James Wickham 17/11/2009
James Wickham: In a recent article in the Irish Times (29/10/2009) Sean Barrett criticised the new Public Transport Regulation Bill. He claimed it …
Lost in the forest
Michael Taft 26/10/2009
Michael Taft: Some people can’t see the forest for the trees. And some people can’t see either the forest or the trees. They just can’t see. …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …