Category: Labour market
On premature optimism
Terry McDonough 26/09/2011
Terrence McDonough: On Thursday, some positive Irish growth figures provided an island of optimism in a sea of bad international economic news. Any …
The four factors shifting power away from workers and citizens
Paul Sweeney 23/09/2011
Paul Sweeney: In developed countries, there has been a decline in labour’s share of national income going to wages for many years. This has major …
Short-term fiscal book keeping over strategic thinking
Slí Eile 03/09/2011
Slí Eile: Given the current drive to scale back on the quality and quantity of public service here are some interesting and provocative comments on …
NESC Report on Responses to Unemployment Crisis
Sinéad Pentony 11/08/2011
Sinéad Pentony: Earlier this week NESC published its latest Report on Supports and Services for Unemployed Jobseekers: Challenges and Opportunities …
Is Ireland heading into a slowdown, too?
Michael Taft 11/08/2011
Michael Taft: The global recovery is now expected to ease off in the latter half of this year with a range of data suggesting a slowdown in the …
Thomas Palley on a global minimum wage system
Thomas Palley is Bernard L. Schwartz Economic Growth Fellow with the New America Foundation. This piece was originally published in the FT …
Lessons from Brazil
Paul Sweeney 28/06/2011
Paul Sweeney: While the recession shows no sign of ending here, it is good to look abroad at other counties which had hard times and are doing well …
Cut Rents not Wages to Save Jobs in Retail
Nat O'Connor 23/06/2011
Nat O'Connor: Retail Excellence Ireland (REI) has released a survey of their members, which they contend shows that abolition of the JLC system would …
Why are businesses going out of business?
Michael Taft 01/06/2011
Michael Taft: To listen to employers’ groups and Minister Bruton, you’d think that businesses are going out of business because the lowest paid …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …