Category: Labour market
The Massive Impact of Driverless Cars, Blog 1.
Paul Sweeney 20/10/2016
Paul Sweeney: A few weeks ago, Uber introduced the first driverless cars on the road: a self-driving taxi fleet in Pittsburgh. Uber, partnered with …
The “Sharing” Economy is based on a Fissured Workplace
Paul Sweeney 10/08/2016
Paul Sweeney: Uber and Airbnb are not the Sharing Economy. Instead, they represent a rapid increase in the “Fissured Workplace”. This …
Brexit threats to rights of migrant workers and students
Roland Erne 28/06/2016
Roland Erne: All European citizens have just been stripped of their European citizenship rights in Northern Ireland and Britain. Hence, no European …
Effects of the minimum wage on the jobs market
Tom McDonnell 06/03/2013
Tom McDonnell: TASC made a short submission last week to the Labour Court review of the JLC wage agreement mechanisms. The submission is available …
Launch of NERI Quarterly Economic Observer/Facts
The NERI has published, today, its fourth Quarterly Economic Observer (QEO) along with the latest Quarterly Economic Facts (QEF). A link to the full …
The Costs of Working in Ireland
Nat O'Connor 13/06/2012
Nat O'Connor: The ESRI withdrew a working paper today. The Irish Times reported that this was "unprecedented". However, another ESRI report (on waste …
TASC submission on unemployment
Sinéad Pentony 22/05/2012
Sinéad Pentony: In a submission to the Oireachtas Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education, TASC has looked at a number of key questions. …
There is an alternative and we have choices
Tom Healy 27/03/2012
Tom Healy: Today the Nevin Economic Research Institute is being launched. The website contains information about the new …
Pathways to Work - can it deliver?
Sinéad Pentony 02/03/2012
Sinéad Pentony: Pathways to Work was launched last week and it sets out to achieve some much needed reform in relation to labour market activation …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …