Category: Labour market
The case for a High Pay Commission?
The high pay/maximum wage debate is certainly heating up in the UK. Ten days ago Andrew Simms of the New Economics Foundation made the case for a …
Other hidden costs of the minimum wage
Nat O'Connor 16/08/2009
Nat O'Connor: The debate so far has not considered all aspects of the minimum wage. Employers are quick to point out that the hourly amount paid to …
Profiting from the downturn
Nat O'Connor 14/08/2009
Nat O'Connor: We are reminded again in today's Irish Times that some people are not living in the same economy as the rest of us. Despite cuts to …
How to create jobs
Slí Eile 13/08/2009
Slí Eile: From a Financial Times editorial (The Luck of the Irish) of 10 August on the current state of the Irish
Economic war and profiteering
Michael Taft 09/08/2009
Michael Taft: There are some who contend that companies are taking advantage of the recession to cut wages, regardless of their need to do so. As a …
Time to cap salaries?
Writing in today's Guardian, Andrew Simms - Policy Director of the New Economics Foundation - argues that the time has come to cap salaries, noting …
The IDA and the wages debate
Michael Taft 28/07/2009
Michael Taft: A couple of weeks ago, the Chief Executive of the IDA, Barry O’Leary, jumped into the debate about wages – suggesting they were …
Where have all the people gone?
An tSaoi 26/07/2009
An Saoi: Bus journeys in Dublin have become pleasant again. There is nearly always a seat and while there may have been a reduction in the number of …
A business take on minimum wages
“A fair minimum wage is a sound investment in the future of our communities and our nation.” and “Now, more than ever, it’s imperative that …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …