Category: Investment
Buses are not widgets
James Wickham 17/11/2009
James Wickham: In a recent article in the Irish Times (29/10/2009) Sean Barrett criticised the new Public Transport Regulation Bill. He claimed it …
The Procrustean bed of statistics
Michael Taft 12/11/2009
Michael Taft: In Greek mythology the rogue Procrustes had an iron bed in which guests were invited to rest on. He would then hold them down and, if …
How are we going to pay for a Learning Society?
Slí Eile 24/10/2009
Slí Eile: It is necessary to point out that no society anywhere in the world provides ‘free education’. Paying for teachers, other staff, …
Kenmare Dublin Economics Workshop
Slí Eile 17/10/2009
Slí Eile: The chorus is in full swing. The Dublin Economic Consensus workshop in Kenmare. Cuts, Deflation, Now, No Alternative. Even Garrett the …
Nobel Prizes for Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson
Slí Eile 13/10/2009
Slí Eile: Yesterday, it was announced that a Nobel prize is to be awarded to Elinor Ostrom of Indiana University in the USA 'for her analysis of …
Placing citizenship centre-stage: Michael D's take on the debate and what's missing
Michael D. Higgins' opinion piece in today's Irish Times is well worth a read, especially in view of recent debates here on social welfare, rent …
Lower Rents Still Higher Than Rent Supplement in Dublin
Nat O'Connor 18/08/2009
Nat O'Connor: Rents drop 17% over 12 months according to DAFT’s latest Rental Report. This headline will be referred to in the next Budget to …
How to create jobs
Slí Eile 13/08/2009
Slí Eile: From a Financial Times editorial (The Luck of the Irish) of 10 August on the current state of the Irish
STT bid for Eircom
Donal Palcic 06/08/2009
Donal Palcic: The fifth change of ownership of Eircom now appears imminent with Singapore Technologies Telemedia (STT) very likely to make a deal to …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …