Category: Inequality

Gender equality and the economy

Sinéad Pentony 07/03/2012

Sinéad Pentony: As we face into years of more austerity, it will be no surprise to learn that the European Union birth rate is dropping, …

Referendum on the Austerity Pact

Tom Healy 28/02/2012

Tom Healy: With at least one Referendum on the Austerity Pact imminent over the coming months one looks forward in hope to a debate that will draw on …

As 'austerity' isn't working, what's the alternative?

Michael Burke 27/02/2012

Michael Burke: Tom Healey has made some very good points in debunking the myth that ‘austerity’ is working. In general the EU governments that …

TASC issues new report on State Assets


Click here to download TASC's new report, The Strategic Role of State Assets - Reframing the Privatisation Debate. Comments?

Minimum Essential Budgets

Nat O'Connor 10/02/2012

Nat O'Connor: The TCD Policy Institute recently published a volume by the Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice and Dr Micheál Collins, which …

Alternatives to Current Austerity Policy

Nat O'Connor 30/01/2012

Nat O'Connor: A wide range of Irish and international economists and commentators were interviewed for an article in last Saturday's Irish Times, …

(V) Curbing growing income inequality

Paul Sweeney 27/01/2012

Paul Sweeney: No public servant is worth more than £1,000 a year. So said De Valera in 1931 (He paid himself more - £1,500 in March 1932 - but this …

(IV) The rise of the new aristocracy

Paul Sweeney 26/01/2012

Paul Sweeney: Mitt Romney’s pay of $42.5m – all unearned – in two years on which he paid an effective income tax rate of only 14.65 per cent …

Obama on Income Equality and Economic Recovery

Nat O'Connor 26/01/2012

Nat O'Connor: President Obama used his State of the Union address 2012 to highlight income inequality. His speech is only one of a number of examples …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
