Category: Inequality
Agreement and Difference with Minister Howlin
Nat O'Connor 12/04/2012
Nat O'Connor: Minister Brendan Howlin’s opinion piece in the Irish Times is to be welcomed. It is valuable to have a Government Minister engaging …
Responding to the Minister
Michael Taft 12/04/2012
Michael Taft: The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin, has responded to the open letter signed by 39 economists, social …
Response to Mr Howlin
Paul Sweeney 12/04/2012
Paul Sweeney: Mr Howlin’s considered response to the letter from the group of economists, of which I was one, is very welcome. His response is …
Open letter in Irish Times: austerity breeding stagnation
Today's open letter in the Irish Times, signed by many names familiar to PE readers, is available here. Comments?
GDP contraction in the crisis Euro area economies
Michael Burke 02/04/2012
Michael Burke: OECD comparative data for the crisis EU countries highlights the extent of that crisis. Greece has become a by-word for the effects of …
Michael O'Sullivan on the European project
Michael O'Sullivan, author of 'Ireland and the Global question', has an interesting opinion piece in today's Financial Times.
Welcome to the inequality cycle
Michael Taft 28/03/2012
Michael Taft: We are now starting to get data to assess just who in society is getting hit and who is getting by. Of course, we know about …
Government spending policy is deepening the crisis
Michael Burke 23/03/2012
Michael Burke: The latest national accounts data are worse than they look. The headlines have been about a ‘technical return’ to recession with …
Europe from the periphery
Paul Sweeney 21/03/2012
Paul Sweeney: These days, Europe appears to be a cold place viewed from the periphery in Ireland. We are being bailed out and supported in many ways …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …