Category: Inequality
Irish Inequality during the 20th century
Rory O'Farrell 23/09/2010
Rory O'Farrell: There has been some discussion on this site about top income shares in the US. Thanks to a book, Top Incomes over the 20th Century, …
As Stiglitz says ....
"Mr Stiglitz said historical evidence showed that increased state spending helped economies emerge from recession. He added that the example of …
Killing three birds with the one stone: education improves equality
Rory O'Farrell 07/09/2010
Rory O'Farrell: While access to education is usually thought of in terms of equality of opportunity, it can also lead to equality of outcome. The …
Destroying the Public Sphere?
James Wickham 26/08/2010
James Wickham: The terms of reference for the ‘Review Group on State Assets...’ are about ‘asset disposal’ in the public sector. What do we …
Airbrushing in
Michael Taft 23/08/2010
Michael Taft: Here is an antidote to recent attempts to airbrush out of the economic debate anyone who doesn’t follow the line. An Irish Times …
VAT paid by people on low incomes
Nat O'Connor 12/08/2010
Nat O'Connor: This is a follow up to comments on the Corporation Tax post about VAT. As was pointed out to me, although the main VAT rate is 21%, …
The Austerity Debate
Slí Eile 27/07/2010
Slí Eile: Don't miss the Great Austerity Debate running on the Financial Times at this site. Some heavy hitters have weighed in followed by a thread …
Stimulus and austerity
Peter Connell 26/07/2010
Peter Connell: Over on there has been an enlightening discussion on one of our favourite topics – austerity versus stimulus. The …
Leprechauns and Confidence Fairies
Writing in the New York Times, Paul Krugman is unimpressed by the latest ESRI report. He writes: "The authors simply assert that more austerity now …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …