Category: Inequality
Obama on Income Equality and Economic Recovery
Nat O'Connor 26/01/2012
Nat O'Connor: President Obama used his State of the Union address 2012 to highlight income inequality. His speech is only one of a number of examples …
(III) The squeezed middle
Paul Sweeney 25/01/2012
Paul Sweeney: There has been much discussion on what is called the Squeezed Middle. This refers to those middle class families who are seeing …
(II) The first generation to face lower living standards
Paul Sweeney 24/01/2012
Paul Sweeney: Ireland’s younger generations may be the first since the Post War period not to have higher incomes than those of their parents. The …
(I) What has happened to incomes since the crash?
Paul Sweeney 23/01/2012
Paul Sweeney: This is the first of five posts examining trends in living standards in the past, present and the likely future. As we explore the …
Jeff Madrick on how austerity is killing Europe
Jeff Madrick 11/01/2012
Jeff Madrick: When it was announced that Ireland's national income virtually collapsed in the fall of 20011, it should have been a death blow to …
A Roadmap to Greater Inequality: TASC response to Budget 2012
TASC's response to Budget 2012, A Roadmap to Greater Inequality, is available for download here.
It's official - austerity isn't working
Michael Burke 05/12/2011
Michael Burke: The Department of Finance’s White Paper Estimates for the 2012 Budget make for grim reading. The White Paper can be found here. What …
The impoverishment of Ireland
Michael Taft 01/12/2011
Michael Taft: The CSO has produced the preliminary results from the annual EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions. And the results show an …
Poverty, inequality and Budget 2012
Sinéad Pentony 30/11/2011
Sinéad Pentony: The publication of the preliminary results from the 2010 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) is very timely in the run up …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Jim Stewart
Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …