Category: Inequality

The Ways to Address Core Inequality - Market Inequality.

Paul Sweeney 16/04/2024

It was seen in the last blog on Market Inequality that there are a number of factors creating the problem. The first issue is that the distribution of national income between capital and labour is increasingly unequal. A second factor is that the tax and welfare system can alleviate market inequality. This is working well in Ireland. Thirdly, …

Addressing the Core Cause of Inequality

Paul Sweeney 21/03/2024

Ireland has the highest level of market inequality in Europe. However, this is alleviated by our tax and welfare system. Market inequality arises …

What Is The Point? The Difference The Left Can Make

Stella Creasy 16/10/2023

In his essay Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages James Joyce quotes Oscar Wilde saying ‘We Irishmen have done nothing, but we are the greatest …

Major Issues where Mainstream Economists Failed - Part 1

Paul Sweeney 04/07/2023

In the last blog, I examined the President of Ireland's speech critical of the lack of heterodoxy (or differences) in Irish economics. I argued that …

What Can Be Done About Faulty Building

Paul Sweeney 10/02/2023

Many of the deaths in the recent Turkish earthquakes could have been prevented had there been better laws and better enforcement of the existing lax …

Wage Theft in Ireland (Part 2)

Michelle O'Sullivan 04/11/2022

A Progressive Economy blog earlier this year (14th April) highlighted the growing concern internationally with the phenomenon of wage theft, …

Innovate for Ireland

Paula Tumulty 14/07/2022

Innovate for Ireland: Is this scheme an extension of privilege and elitism or a new opportunity to contribute to democracy and equality?   PhD …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
