Category: Housing

The Private Rental Crisis: Towards a Solution


P.J. Drudy: A recent survey of rising rents by is a further wake-up call for all of us and for the government. During the last three months …

Housing and homelessness crisis worsens

Rory Hearne 25/08/2016

Rory Hearne: This week’s figures on homelessness and rent increases provide further evidence of the on-going housing crisis. Unfortunately the …

How the Government should tackle the housing crisis ­

Rory Hearne 17/05/2016

Rory Hearne: The draft Programme for Partnership signals that the new Government will give urgently needed prioritisation to the housing and …

"This is a system in deep trouble"

Sinéad Pentony 15/08/2011

Sinéad Pentony: In The Guardian, Larry Elliott argues that “only a new way of managing the global economy can prevent more mayhem in the market …

Never a reckless lender be

Tom McDonnell 26/11/2010

Tom McDonnell: One of the images below is from Patrick Honohan's paper in the Economic and Social Review June 2009. If you combine the two you can …

House Swap on Ghost Estates


Nat O'Connor The Department of the Environment has published a report into the state of 120,000 dwellings in Ireland's unfinished, 'ghost' housing …

Bacon's Mortgage Suggestion Does Not Add Up

Nat O'Connor 18/10/2010

Nat O'Connor: Peter Bacon has suggested that semi-state assets be sold, and the money used to pay off the negative equity part of mortgages, where …

The 'Prodigal Son' Dilemma in Irish Mortgage Debt

Nat O'Connor 07/07/2010

Nat O'Connor: Mortgage payments are on a lot of people's minds these days, and there has been a fair deal of coverage in the media about negative …

Portable Mortgages

Nat O'Connor 22/06/2010

Nat O'Connor: Two contradictory pieces in the news about mortgages. On the one hand, it was reported that some lenders are preparing to offer …

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Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
