Category: Health

Health Budget Fictions

Patrick Kinsella 22/05/2019

The new chief of the HSE has made cost-containment his top priority. Taking office in mid-May, Paul Reid’s first act was to order senior health …

Facing difficult choices: precarious workers' access to healthcare in Ireland

Sinead Pembroke 21/03/2018

Imagine you have an excruciating backache that won’t go away. What if you have a virus that you need a prescription of anti-biotics to cure? Or …

There is no “value for money” in giving away public assets for nothing

Paul Sweeney 23/04/2017

The Minister for Health Simon Harris insists that “his ‘golden share’ in the new €300 million State-funded national maternity hospital means …

The Interesting Story on Irish People’s Health and Habits.

Paul Sweeney 02/11/2016

Paul Sweeney: Did you know that 23% of Irish people still smoke, in spite of the ultra clear evidence that it is deadly? More men (26%) than women …

Lifetime Community Rating and Inequality

Nat O'Connor 13/03/2016

Nat O'Connor: We are coming up to the first anniversary of Lifetime Community Rating (LCR) in private health insurance and it is timely to consider …

The Alcohol Industry - A case study of health versus wealth

Nat O'Connor 16/03/2012

Nat O'Connor: The recently completed (Feb 2012) Steering Group Report On a National Substance Misuse Strategy has taken a public health approach to …

Guest post by Dale Tussing: Chinese Health Care - Its Rise and Fall and Current Struggles


With healthcare one of the items on the General Election agenda, Professor Dale Tussing takes a look at the Chinese experience. It is quite a jump, …

Fine Gael health proposals

Tom O'Connor 07/07/2010

Tom O'Connor: The Fine Gael political party has recently launched a comprehensive set of proposals aimed at creating a fair health system in Ireland …

Another take on healthcare


"There is a startling commonality between the root causes and defects of the ongoing banking crisis and those that continue to gain momentum within …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
