Category: Fiscal policy

End of year Exchequer Returns 2011

An tSaoi 06/01/2012

An Saoi: You can read the Government's gloss on 2011's awful tax figures here (Slides 5-7). The tax yield has indeed risen but only after • the …

The Pension System in Ireland: Current Issues and Reform

Sinéad Pentony 21/12/2011

Sinéad Pentony: The TCD Pension Policy Research Group has recently published a Working Paper written by Jim Stewart called The Pension System in …

Sargent and Sims lectures

Tom McDonnell 09/12/2011

Tom McDonnell:The Sargent and Sims Noble prize lectures are here. Tom Sargent poses four topical questions: 1. Should Government default on their …

A new deal is required

Tom McDonnell 01/12/2011

Tom McDonnell: On Monday and Tuesday we will be treated to the latest instalments of the austerity show. While the structural deficit does need to be …

Budget 2012 - Choices

Tom McDonnell 28/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: According to Eurostat, Ireland will have the lowest rate of gross fixed capital formation in the EU next year (see pages 68-69 of the …

Is the government hiding more austerity?

Michael Taft 16/11/2011

Michael Taft: The Government may be hiding up to €800 in austerity measures in their recent Medium-Term Fiscal Statement (MTFS). I use the term …

MTFS (III) - Sensitivity of government finances

Michael Burke 14/11/2011

Michael Burke: Having criticised the government’s talk of improvement in government finances and the economy on the basis of the MTFS forecasts, …

MTFS (II) - It's official, there is no recovery

Michael Burke 11/11/2011

Michael Burke: The government is focused on deficit-reduction. But it is failing to reduce the deficit. There is an extraordinary discrepancy between …

MTFS (I) - Things are getting worse, not better.

Michael Burke 10/11/2011

Michael Burke: The forecasts for both the deficit and for the debt level have worsened since April. The government’s Medium Term Fiscal Statement …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
