Category: Fiscal policy

Let's Talk About Pensions

Rosheen Callender 15/06/2020

The Current Pensions Outlook: At a time when so many of us have been hoping to see some new thinking and new directions – on sustainable …

Covid-19, Millennials, and Generation Y'rs

Amie Lajoie 11/06/2020

This post is taken from the introduction of our latest social listening project "Stories of the Pandemic: The Experiences of Millenials and …

Commission proposes European Recovery Fund as part of revised 2021-2017 MFF

Alan Matthews 05/06/2020

-This blog first appeared on on on 2 June, 2020.   The stakes for the European Union have never been higher. In a year when the …

Are we all MMTers now?

Robert Sweeney 01/06/2020

  The onset of Co-vid 19 has been met with massive intervention by public authorities around the world. Central banks in particular have …

Covid-19 and Economic Policy

Shana Cohen 19/05/2020

The long-term impact of Covid-19 Three seemingly distinctive trends have emerged from this period: high unemployment rates and financial distress, …

The EU’s Inane Fiscal Rules are finally relaxed

Paul Sweeney 18/03/2020

At last, the inane Fiscal Rules are to be relaxed. It took the Covid19 crisis to force this action by the EU leadership. In a recent blog I set out …

The Irish fiscal straitjacket

Robert Sweeney 30/10/2019

These are eventful times for the Irish economy. We are told a variety of ‘storm clouds’ have been forming internationally which, it is claimed, …

What next for Irish unemployment policy?


By Dr Tom Boland and Dr Ray Griffin WUERC, Waterford Institute of Technology Kindly funded through the IRC New Horizons Interdisciplinary Research …

Statistics don’t always tell the truth

Sinead Pembroke 08/05/2018

Today, statistics are major currencies in policy discussions and debates. They are used as weapons by government ministers, politicians and political …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
