Category: Fiscal policy

Budget 2009: A budget destined to deflate

Peter Connell 08/04/2009

Peter Connell: Over the past few weeks, the debate regarding the scale of the fiscal deficit that the government should aim for in today’s budget …

Budget 2009: Dept of Finance project 15.5% unemployment

Slí Eile 07/04/2009

Sli Eile: Some say a week is a long time in politics. Well, only a few weeks ago the Government was ruling out another budget (don't mention the B …

Budget 2009: Banking proposal and cuts in discretionary income the real news

Terry McDonough 07/04/2009

Terry McDonough: It is interesting that the initial reactions to the budget are emphasizing the stunning nature of the package. My own take is …

Labour and the budget


The story goes that, when asked to evaluate the long-term impact of the French revolution, a student replied that it was too early to say. The …

Support for domestic stimulus


The Fine Gael document ‘Rebuilding Ireland a NewEra for the Irish Economy’ was published on 26 March but has received comparatively little …

The road to recovery: different responses


There has been, recently, a plethora of reports on the economy in Ireland ranging from the Government publication 'Building Ireland's Smart Economy' …

Stimulus for Development

Sean Ó Riain 30/03/2009

Sean O Riain: Commentators across the spectrum have worried that the April budget will tax and cut so much money out of the economy that we will face …

Two party policies, one consulting report and some new data releases ...


Two interesting publications launched today: Fine Gael's Rebuilding Ireland economic policy document (with, it seems, a privatisation sting in the …

Responding to the crisis


It can be hard to see beyond the impending budget and the rising crescendo of voices clamouring for cutting our way out of the present gathering …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
