Category: Fiscal policy

The unacknowledged demise of the Government's fiscal strategy

Michael Taft 29/07/2010

Michael Taft: Strange how some things don’t get into the debate. For instance, the ESRI’s recent Recovery Scenarios judged the Government’s …

Minimum wage - facts, fiction and flights of fancy

Sinéad Pentony 27/07/2010

Sinéad Pentony: The minimum wage rate is €8.65 per hour and it has been frozen since 2007. The introduction of the two per cent income levy in the …

Selling the family silver: bad for the economy and citizens

Tom O'Connor 26/07/2010

Tom O'Connor: The newly established government Review Group on State Assets and Liabilities has been assigned a task: ‘To draw up a list of …

Stimulus and austerity

Peter Connell 26/07/2010

Peter Connell: Over on there has been an enlightening discussion on one of our favourite topics – austerity versus stimulus. The …

The Privatisation Board: What will it do?

Jim Stewart 23/07/2010

Jim Stewart: The composition of the Privatisation Board, and its terms of reference, makes inevitable that the conclusions will be: privatisation of …

Leprechauns and Confidence Fairies


Writing in the New York Times, Paul Krugman is unimpressed by the latest ESRI report. He writes: "The authors simply assert that more austerity now …

Out of the traps and into the abyss

Michael Burke 20/07/2010

Michael Burke: A piece in today's Guardian reports on the downgrade by Moody's, and expresses some surprise that there wasn't much of a reaction in …

Between the rocks

Slí Eile 19/07/2010

Slí Eile: Here we go again. Softening-up time. The summer schools, the rain, the Dáil holidays and…. exclusive inside news stories on what the …

Costly Business: Privatisation and Exchequer Revenues


Donal Palcic and Eoin Reeves: The recent revelation that the government has established a group to report and advise on – among other things – …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Sean McCabe

Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
