Category: Fiscal policy
Q&A at the doorsteps
Slí Eile 22/01/2011
Slí Eile: There is a distinct possibility that you will be getting more callers to the front door in the next few weeks. Be conscious that there may …
Recovery? What recovery?
Michael Taft 20/01/2011
Michael Taft: The ESRI’s new quarterly analysis is out (though not available on-line for 30 days). Though its forecasts are more pessimistic than …
Interesting IMF paper
Here is an interesting paper that formalises an idea that many of us would agree with, that inequality caused the crisis. Unfortunately the IMF …
Guest post by Gerard Doyle and Tanya Lalor: Getting more bang for your buck
In this guest post, Gerard Doyle and Tanya Lalor of TSA Consultancy make the case for social enterprise to be part of any future stimulus programme. …
The €400 mn solution - a plan to recover bondholders' money
Michael Burke 24/11/2010
Michael Burke: There are some very large numbers bandied around in the misnamed ‘National Recovery Plan’ (NRP). €6bn of fiscal tightening this …
National Recovery Plan
The Plan can be downloaded here. TASC's initial response is available here.
Could someone please send the IMF the Spraoi Christmas Annual?
Rory O'Farrell 24/11/2010
Rory O'Farrell: During my childhood in 1980s Ireland, one of
A sneak pre-view of the 4-year plan
Slí Eile 21/11/2010
Slí Eile: An interesting insight from former IMF director, Donal Donovan, is given here. He writes in the Irish Times, last Friday, that: "These …
Unemployment, emigration and growth
Tom O'Connor 09/11/2010
Tom O'Connor: The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a fall of 6,500 signing on the live register. This is totally due to emigration. In …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …