Category: Fiscal policy
Major Issues where Mainstream Economists Failed - Part 1
Paul Sweeney 04/07/2023
In the last blog, I examined the President of Ireland's speech critical of the lack of heterodoxy (or differences) in Irish economics. I argued that while the mainstream economic policies pursued in Ireland had led to substantial economic development and also in improved life satisfaction in recent decades, there were times, especially in the …
The principle of fair reciprocity can inform taxation in an ecosocial future
Mary Murphy 03/04/2023
This blog was first drafted as the authors speaking notes for a forum ‘The Fiscal Social Contract: How Taxation can be Applied as a Tool for Social …
From Free Market to Subsidised Capitalism
Paul Sweeney 13/10/2022
There has been a revolutionary transformation of Capitalism, the western economic system, in just over a decade. Four extraordinary events have …
Rise in inflation should not last
Paul Sweeney 13/01/2022
A year ago here on Progressive Economy, I asked if inflation was about to take off. Regrettably it has. The Irish Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose to …
What was Driving Minister Donohoe's strange behaviour against Tax Reform and Multilateralism?
Paul Sweeney 15/07/2021
Paschal Donohoe is known as a serious, intellectual and committed centre-right politician who has supported international trade, globalisation and …
Book review and summary: "Deaths of despair: the future of capitalism"
Paul Sweeney 12/08/2020
This book will give you a greater understanding of why so many people support Donald Trump. It will also shock you with some of the statistics and …
Stimulus package amid pandemic could transform Ireland for the better
Paul Sweeney 23/07/2020
The stimulus package to be announced by the Government this week will be transformative. It could transform Ireland into a better place in which to …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …