Category: Europe

Delors has had far more to say!

Manus O'Riordan 06/12/2011

Manus O'Riordan: “Euro doomed from start, says Jacques Delors” was the front page headline of Britain’s “Daily Telegraph” on Saturday …

Sowing whirlwinds: European elites get the crisis they deserve

James Wickham 04/12/2011

James Wickham: Europeans are getting fed up with Europe. Everywhere as the crisis deepens and as some experts demand closer European integration …

Crisis update

Tom McDonnell 28/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: FT Alphaville is reporting that Moody's is now talking about multiple defaults and a Eurozone break-up. See here for the Moody's press …

The Euro Crisis: is history repeating itself?

Jim Stewart 25/11/2011

Jim Stewart: It is a “common view ... that the world was headed for a massive payments crisis in which several European countries would default on …

One more roll of the dice

Tom McDonnell 24/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: There seems to be a growing consensus (finally) that only the ECB has the capacity to end the immediate crisis in the Euro zone. The …

Let's Have More Budget Transparency

Nat O'Connor 21/11/2011

Nat O'Connor: Seán Whelan on RTÉ Six One News last Friday quipped that democratically elected representatives were the first to see Michael …

Solving the Euro Crisis without Germany Paying More

Nat O'Connor 18/11/2011

Nat O'Connor: It seems that domestic politics in Germany are focused on dealing with a perception by German taxpayers that they are at risk of …

Embracing "Deadly Sins"

Tom McDonnell 17/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: Eurointelligence is reporting that Wolfgang Franz, chairperson of the group of economic counsellors to the German government, is …

German Think-tanks, Ireland and the European Crisis

Nat O'Connor 16/11/2011

Nat O'Connor: The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, is making an official visit to Berlin today. As well as meeting Chancellor Angela Merkel, he will speak to …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
